190 Because his wife was curious rather than suspi- - cious ]J.B. was able to extricate himself from the situation for the moment. He said he would look into § everything the next morning. Probably some kid who worked on the picture was the way he described ~ Franco. “Heres the Immlgratlon man’s telephone num- - ber,” she said. “He wants you to telephone him.” On the way to the studio ].B. stopped at a public phone booth to make the call—and to hear the sor- did story. Franco had been caught in a vice raid on a home in the canyons that had been watched for weeks. It was run by two notorious homosexuals who charged admittance to their orgies. Often as many as 20 or 30 men assembled there, spending the whole week- end in a constant round of sex, liquor, even mari- juana. A police officer had infiltrated the group, planned the raid and broken it up. Franco, like many of the others, was caught in an abnormal act § in a bed with two other males. ’ ].B. turned on his charm and after two or three meetings with the Immigration people was able to convince them that he would be responsible for § returning Franco to Italy. He would be spared the humiliation of a deportation hearing—and the possi- §&§