189 Another assignment was quickly put on his sched- ule. Hollywood could not have enough movies by ® ].B. Its schedule called for a week’s location in a mountain. An all-male crew and all-male cast would do the work. The woman star would be doubled because the rigors of the spot were too rough The B men would have to camp out. - ].B. welcomed the week away. It would give him a chance to think. He could not have both—Franco and his family. Somewhere there had to be a decision. ; He was refreshed when he came home, feeling so much better that he failed to notice the preoccupled § look on his wife’s face. After he had bathed and settled into his favorite § arm chair with a drink, she asked him, “Dear, who § is Franco B.?” B ].B. literally jumped from his eat. “Franco, what § about him?”’ ] “Nothing, dear, except the Immigration people were here—something about trouble he’d been in. They’re holding him at the County Jail. They say B you know him.” ‘ ]J.B.’s face whitened. He had intended to relax, then [l slip out and telephone Franco, see him briefly and 8 make a date for tomorrow evening.