182 “It took but a second. I raised myself for an in- stant and slipped off my shirt. I fell back into the bed hungry for the feel of flesh against flesh—that sweet, young body. The skin with the touch of mar- ble. Again our lips locked as feverishly our hands sought out each other’s secrets. Tighter and tighter ~ we held each other. The whirl of thoughts, of doubts ‘had disappeared. I was completely consumed by a passion of such fire that I wanted only one thing—to be utterly consumed by it. “Never before in my life had I known a body to overwhelm me so completely. I thrilled to the touch ~ of Franco’s soft, beautiful skin. And when his tiny, delicate hands moved across my body, I tingled with delight. “My eager mouth left his lips long enough to rest on his neck. He turned his head a trifle as though to welcome my embrace. Softly he raised my head back to his mouth. Once again we joined together as one— two bodies seemingly suspended in ntid-air. Probably less than 30 seconds passed but itseemed forever. Finally we separated and put our heads on the pillow. ‘I love you,’ Franco said in a low, husky voice. ‘I have been waiting for you all my life.’ “Words couldn’t come to me. I wanted to tell him I loved him, too. Instead, I took his hand and