181 though he were already half asleep “I lay there in silence. I tried not to think of what was happening to me. I felt an irresistible urge to touch the body lymg beside me. Franco turned. ‘May I kiss you?” he said quietly. I turned and looked at Franco. I could sense that he knew about the whirling thoughts spinning through my mind. I turned my back to him and faced the window. “‘Please may I kiss you, please?” The tone of his voice, the electricity of that soft flesh was more than I could resist. I had had a glimpse of it as he slipped into bed. Like satin, softer than a woman’s. “I rolled around in the bed, grasped him firmly in my arms and held his lips close to mine. I could feel his hands moving down to his waist. There was a sudden movement of his body as he slipped out of his shorts. His nude body pressed close to mine as our lips locked in an embrace such I’ve never known. My hands moved up and down his back. Not a flaw, not a blemish to mar the Appolo-like beauty of that flesh. My own body tingled, as our lips still crushed together, Franco’s fingers reached out and began to unbutton my own shorts. I lifted my body to help him. First one leg then, the other.