180 hours sped by as we drank and talked. Although Franco looked effeminate there was nothing sissy about him nor his deep, resonant voice. “Finally I could conceal my yawns no longer and suggested we go to bed. “‘Okeh, said Franco brightly, as he led me into the next room. “I hadn’ even thought about the bed. I shuddered when I saw the bedroom contained nothing but a double bed. Its size made me feel a bit better. It stretched almost as wide as the room. “Franco showed me a place in the closet where I could hang my clothes. In a jiffy he was in and out of the bathroom, undressed and tucked into the sheets. “I took off everything except my shorts and under- shirt, washed up and headed for the bed. As I lay down, Franco turned off the little lamp on the bed table. “We lay there silently. I had a strange feeling, as though something new in my life was going to hap- pen. As if I were about to embark on a strange adventure. I felt caught up in vortex of guilt, sadness and excitement. To brush this whirl of conflicting thoughts out of my mind I said quickly, “Good ~ night, Franco.” He answered in a muffled tone as