178 “It took no time at all before we were in an ani- mated conversation. Franco knew all my movies. That’s not saying too much. He knew everybody else’s movies too. “It got to be midnight, but I wasn’t tired at all. It was pleasant to be talking to somebody. And, for a change, not to be involved in the picture I was mak- ing at the time. “So when Franco suggested we go to a brighter place I agreed. “We took a taxi to a night spot high on one of the hills. It was certainly livelier than the hotel bar— packed with people just finishing their dinner and getting ready to dance and drink until dawn. “It was my first night out in Rome, so the sky was the limit. Frank hadn’t eaten, so I told him to order the best dinner. I called for a bottle of champagne. “I must admit I felt self-conscious sitting there with someone so young. And I felt the waiters were look- ing at me strangely. Some of them seemed to know Franco. I could see him shooting them glances out of the side of his eyes. “And so it went almost until the sun came up. Neither of us got drunk—just a little high. “When it came time to go, Franco said, *Would