173 There are many reasons for the disparity in the reactions to the two questions which, no matter how you look at them, are loaded. But the simplest explanation lies in the fact that the homosexual, knowing more about the life he is lead- ing than any other, prefers the known to the unknown. Again, aware of all the trials and trlbulatlons of homosexuality, he would not wish them on his worst enemy—much less his mythical son. Some pitfalls are behind him. Others lie ahead. Of those in the future he has an awareness from seeing what growing old has done to other homosexuals. He knows he can become a lonely old man like many or lead a busy, useful and reasonably happy life like some others. | He does not want to wake up one morning and face the shock of having to discover how to adjust to an entirely new environment, a different set of values and unaccustomed sex habits. This is the horrendous tragedy of the latent homo- sexual. The use of the word “horrendous” 'is delib- - erate, for nothing in the homosexual world can deal as stunning a blow as a man’s realization, later in life, that he is not normal. It happens more often than is generally realized. If