171 thetic. The list even 1ncluded dentists, barbers and doctors. ' In London it is p0531ble to obtain a map of the city designating public lavatory facilities known to attract homosexuals. The grapevine works fast, faster than NEWSpapers. When a celebrity in the “gay world” has an inci- dent, a fight with his lover or something dramatic in nature, the word is flashed to New York and talked about the following day. - Some bars contain directories in which patrons are invited to write the names of spots they’ve visited in other cities. The entries go into great detail desig- nating whether a place is gay, mixed, lesbian, what time to go there, B, Normally, homosexuals utilize their grapevine only in the interests of spreading information about places where contacts are available. The election noted earlier in this chapter is the single time they have been known to unite in a common political effort. Its impact did not go unheeded by the politicians— which may be part of the explanation as to why the present has been decided as the time to re-examine sex laws.