169 tripled. Hell, make it anything we like. The wilder the better.” A The debate lasted well into the night. By morning the district leader had instructions to follow his hunches. He smiled, “It’ll be the best and cheapest campaign trick we’ve ever pulled.” By noon that day the district leader had all the operators of the gay bars on the phone, telling them to spread the rumor. That afternoon he visited the bars personally and talked to the bartenders. At five he was sitting around the turkish baths repeating what he now believed was the truth. That night he talked to the entertainers. ’ Around San Francisco he went knockmg on the doors of homosexuals who were on the various police lists, suspected, arraigned, dismissed and accused. To each he recited his little story. Exactly as he figured, the phones buzzed from that day on. Columnists began printing hints about the big buzz. Merchants who thrived on out of town visitors who liked the place because it was open, free and easy began lining up So did the hotel keepers. The mayor literally just edged back into office by a narrow margin of votes. Statisticians were able to prove to the district leader’s satisfaction that the