166 His life outside is as sterile in its feminine relatlon- ship as it was in prison. st So the ex-con takes the easy way out. He goes to people who are less fussy about a man’s back- ground, who look only for sexual possibilities and physical attractiveness. He joins the homosexual underground. The obvious answer to the homosexual problem in prison is to allow the prisoners visitation rights by their wives—in private. This is the European and - South American system, and it seems to work. In ~ America, only one prison offers this privilege. Prison authorities don’t agree with the thesis, argu- ing that prisoners are locked up for punishment, not to enjoy the same privileges they enjoyed on the outside. Enlightened people, interested in the prison system claim, that American penal institutions are stuck with this tradition that incarceration is an instrument of punishment—not correction. Until there is some meeting of minds on this prob- lem, young men serving stretches for the first offense, will continue to be “punks.’’ As such they’ll continue to be at the mercy of the perverted sexual advances of the “wolves.” Until the tragic day when they, too, become “wolves.” '