165 endless succession of homosexual incidents in which he plays whichever role suits the “wolf.” Usually the “punk” is the passive member of the union, submit- ting either to anal or oral intercourse. He is not expected to reciprocate unless he chooses. With time the “wolf”” is aware the “punk” will be curious. Homosexual indoctrination has set in. Eventually, and the odds remain 99 to1,the “punk” will try sex completely. He’ll go all the way. Eventually, when the “punk” becomes older he’ll become a “wolf” himself. No longer the target of “wolves,”” he will become a seducer. Tragic though his life may be in prison, it be- comes worse after he leaves. On entering the outside world the “punk” or “wolf” may feel that finally he has freed himself from his homosexual passions, that, now, on the outside he can indulge himself normally. In many cases this turns out to be far from the truth. The ex-convict is an ex-convict. Respectable girls are disinclined to associate with him. If he returns to his old neighborhood, he is promptly branded. One girl tells another. Even in other neighborhoods, other cities, his past catches up with him. The slightest slip of the tongue ‘and his past is revealed. .