163 Far from being an isolated instance of what takes place behind prison walls, the preceding can be mul- - tiplied by 1,000 and the reader will have a fairly accurate idea of the extent to which perverted rape takes place every year in the nation’s penal institutions. Although homosexuality is the greatest problem in penal admmlstratlon authorities are powerless to stop it. This is not so much because they approve of homosexuality but rather because they have found that the greater the official opposition to it the more of it that actually goes on. The explanation of this paradox is a psychological one. In a prison where a great fuss is made about homosexuality, and where persons caught in the act are severely punished, invariably a good many prisoners begin practicing the act because it satisfies their desires to rebel. Consequently, while virtually all administrators or prisons take the official position that homosexuality is forbidden, most of them turn their heads the other way when it happens. What happens to a good- lookmg young man like Mario who has been sent to prison? Being young he is automatically labeled a“punk.”