162 him grunted, his breath grew fast with tension and excitement. Mario felt his mind slipping away. If only he were unconscious. But the pain awakened him. It was only seconds, but it seemed like hours. The body above him quivered, shook violently. He could hear the moan stifling groans of pleasure. Finally it was over. The man fell limply across his body. “Hurry up,” Mario heard Mike saying. “It’s my turn now.” _ Mario prayed for help, for sleep, for anything. But once more the same horror was perpetrated. Tensions were high. It had to be done quickly. The guard might return at any moment. Finally it was over. There was no talk this time as positions changed again. There was no wastemotion as the third man began the awful movements of tor- ture. Sweat poured down Mario’s face. Tears joined them to form a pool of water under his head. His mind was dizzy. He barely knew what was happen- ing to him. There was pain, he knew. But he was too gone to feel it. Like the others the atrocity was mercifully brief. He dimly remembered being lifted from the floor and placed gently on his bed. And a voice saying, “Nice little piece that. He’ll do all right up here.”