154 up eyes, crimson fingernails go marching around town in pairs and in groups advertising their devi- ation as though they were plugging a new movie. “There’s nothing we can charge them with unless they masquerade as women. But'it gives you an idea of how blatant homosexuality has become today. Even a common prostitute is better behaved. “Both the lawmakers and the police are up against a blind alley in handling the homosexual problem. We can not deal with the responsible ones because they will not reveal themselves. “Assuming that we could accomplish what both law and the victims want—wiping the criminal con- notations off the books. Making it a matter of per- sonal taste whether an adult is homosexual or ‘heterosexual, whether he commits adultery or not. In return, would it not be reasonable to expect homosexuals to stop making displays of them- selves? Would it not help both sides if the conserva- tive elements in the homosexual world made an ~ effort to influence those who flaunt public opinion and simple propriety? “This kind of program would make possible stricter laws governing the shocking exhibitions one sees in the parks and lavatories. Homosexuality, of itself, would no longer be the large issue. Such con-