152 have a certain number of bars where deviates can meet. It protects them. “In the course of a year this city’s vice squad must pick up between 800 and 1000 men found indulging themselves in abnormal sex in pudlic places, lava- tories of bus stations, railroad terminals, city parks and the like. “They resent the fact these places are policed, that arrests are made—some of which receive nasty pub- licity in the newspapers. “If they think that vice officers enjoy this sort of work they’re vastly mistaken. We don’t. It’s disgust- ing. It means that an officer must stand for hours in ~a small space, a tiny room blocked off from the facilities by a sign or a locked door. Usually an- other officer is with him since the law demands a corroborating witness. “We use one officer for fright value—two when we want to make an arrest of someone we’ve been keep- ing an eye on. A child molester, for instance. “No police force in the world is large enough to accomplish 100% coverage of the facilities in a city the size of this. So we work either at random or on the basis of complaints that have come in. “We make arrests and have no doubt about it, people are hurt. Men have committed suicide after a