150 flaunt themselves on the street, they do not make pick-ups. The lesbian bars are hardly Sunday schools, but rarely are disturbances reported from them. Pick-ups, of course occur, but they are handled more discreetly. “I agree with the theory that sex laws need to be completely revised. If we arrested everyone in the city who violated those on the books there wouldn’t be prisons enough in the country to hold them. “What, then, is our policy? We ignore any rela- tionship between consenting adults that is carried on in privacy, whether it’s a hotel room or an apart- ment. Homosexuals would be surprised if they knew how many telephone calls we get from neighbors saying that two men are living together and are homosexuals. “We know a crank when we hear one. So we ask if there have been any disturbances, any wild par- ties and the like. If the answer is “‘no,”” we invite the person complaining to come down to the station house and bring a witness who has seen the men in question committing abnormal acts. Naturally, the incident is closed at that point. “This is a consideration which the pohcé depart- ment owes to all citizens in the community whether they re homosexuals, anarchists or s