148 for me to find a single instance where a female had been prosecuted or even accused of immorality with another woman. Homosexuals have iseized upon this one-sided ap- plication of laws governing personal conduct as discriminatory. They feel, of course, that there should be no laws governing homosexual relations - between consenting adults. But as long as they exist they complain that women are equally guilty under existing statutes and should, therefore, be treated as offenders. No thinking person can rationalize laws govern- ing sexual behavior between consenting adults in the light of present day society. Political leaders, church- men, sociologists, medical authorities, even the policemen who are obliged to make arrests are in unanimous agreement that they should be revised. Besides being archaic they are unenforceable. Holdovers from the puritanical thinking of more than a century ago, the laws are not as biased as nany homosexuals believe. They would know dif- ferently if they took the time to read the penal code statutes on sexual contact from start to finish. They might not be surprised to find adultery a crime, but many states also prescribe, in clinical detail, what the law considers criminal consummation of the