something extra to his circle or she won'’t last long. The specifications are not much different from those catalogued by a man out wife-hunting. Psychiatrists, T suppose, would find all sorts of sex repressions, abnormal curiosity and other motives as the root of these platonic friendships. In so doing they would ignore the fact that homo- sexuals, when they’re relaxed and not hunting for a bed partner, make charming company. Their parties are gay in the usual sense of the word—not the homosexual meaning. They are bright and witty talkers. The facts are simple. There are more women than | men in the world. And three times as many lonely women as lonely men. A man can strike up an ac- quaintance virtually anywhere, while if a woman does the same thing she is immediately suspect of a range of motives that begin at prostitution and end at prostitution. The lonely woman seeking company may gravi- - tate perhaps to.two young men sharing an apart- | ment in the same building. She may suspect what’s - going on but knows little more until she’s initiated. 'Homosexuals are anything but reluctant to “let i their hair down” when they get chummy with some- one. So it is only a short time before the woman