142 are the mothers of sons who have admitted their deviation. Others are widows, divorcees or con- firmed bachelor girls. The largest percentage are older women, but they have no exclusivity on homo- sexual friendships. Although it might seem a bit odd, lesbians and homosexuals have little contact with each other. Not B8 that they are enemies. It just doesn’t happen. Les- | bians are not nearly as gregarious as homosexuals. They prefer to keep to themselves. Their world is almost closed to outsiders. Homosexuals are far from anxious to break it down. Women who understand homosexuals are said to “know the score.” They’re not supposed to be B shocked by anything. So when they attend a party § there’s no furtive whispering at the door. You don't hear “Keep your hairpins up, dearies. There’s a § ‘straight’ inside.” Instead the instructions probably read, “You can take down your curlers. She knows the score.” Quite a few of these women who “know the score” associate exclusively with homosexuals. The ques- tion immediately arises, why? | The homosexual does not seek out plain Jane Doe as a chum. She has to be chic, attractive, a good & conversationalist. In short, she is obliged to bring