138 I just sit here and wait for the reaper.” “What adout associating with elderly people?” I asked. “Don’t be mad. What have we got in common? I’m an old fag. I’ve had more tail than all of them ~ put together. And that about sums it up. Do you think I can sit around a couple of little old lavender and old lace ladies and tell them about the night seventeen ‘of us took over one of the baths in Paris and then called up a seaman’s bar and asked them to send over seventeen sailors? That would rock the sewing circle, wouldn't it? , | “Sex, sex, sex. That’s all the queens think about. How am I going to get it tonight? They go to a party and their eyes shift all night. The same at the movies. Even at their jobs. So they get their quota of sex. And that’s all they get. Where’s the rest of it? “It isn’t. It doesn’ exist. They don’t learn their jobs well. So they end up like me—a floater. Going from place to place. Thank heavens, there was the war, or I’d have been on relief long before my time. I kept going as long as I could. That much can be said. I did keep myself going. “You have to build resources for your old age, interests even more than money. And that number you had an affair with forty years ago on a