Pictures of Myrtle on the wall showed him to have been an extremely handsome young man, although ~ his features were obviously effeminate. From what I had been told, Myrtle had lead a colorful and fla- grant homosexual career at a time when deviation was a hushed up phase of life. Those who lived it certainly never flaunted it. Myrtle became, of all things, a seaman. He had been born into a highly respectable Boston family. So when he took off, they heaved a sigh of relief. Only a few months before there had been talk of hi-jinks on the Boston Commons that involved the police. Myrtle, it seemed, had taken off all his clothes and was performing a Rites of Spring Dance for an - audience of some 20 sailors. Only the family’s influence hushed up the scandal. As the family was happy to be rid of Myrtle, he was delighted to be free of them. ~ After one or two Atlantic crossings, marred by no incidents except as he told me, “I had the captain and first mate every night. Neither knew what was going on.”, there were no incidents. “Well, your mother got the lay of the land after two round trips. And when I say ‘lay’ that’s just what I mean. On the second trip we laid over long enough for me to visit Paris. Wowee! Gay Paree! - That was for me. I made up my mind to jump it the