129 Who’s next? One by one he took on the whole group, placing each dramatically before the fireplace in full view of the others as he cried out, “Now watch this.” Once more a perversion was committed to the in- creasing excitement of the others who could barely wait their turns. The orgy lasted until the sun rose, the last glass of beer drunken and rows of empty bottles rolled on the floor. Throughout the evening the actor thought it great fun that his chum, nude and sharing in all the fun, busied himself also with his camera—taking close-up pictures of every detail. Only a few short years passed before the actor had become a star. In the meantime he had never lost track of his old friend. As a matter of fact he had just sent him money to drive out to California for a few weeks’ visit. The would-be designer arrived. He lost no time in showing the actor what he had carried with him—the photographs of the Fire Island orgy. “I never forgave you for walking out on me. I knew you’d be a star one day. That’s why I went to that party. That’s why I took these pictures. That’s why I intend to ruin you.”