128 ing his friend 'so abruptly. He invited him to-the Island for a weekend. The chum accepted eagerly. The agent’s weekend parties were all that Fire Island orgies were supposed to be. Bonfires by the sea where a dozen guests, all male, would sit in skimpy bathing suits, drinking large quantities of liquor and beer until, fairly stoned, they retired to the house. ' In the large living room they gathered around a fireplace, drank some more and eventually lost what few inhibitions they had left. The skimpy trunks soon disappeared in favor of cavorting in the nude. The floor turned into a sea of sprawling, nude bodies. Hands floated from one body to another, seeking out intimate areas of flesh. In the middle was the new acquisition, the most popular guest of the weekend, the bumpkin actor. Pleased with his social success he performed the wildest of nude dances, climaxed by a public sexual _display with his host. The guests, themselves occu- pied with one another, diverted their attention to observe spellbound. The bumpkin proved that a country lad knew lots more about lovemaking than city slickers imagined. He had taunted the agent into a lather of excite- ment, completed the act and turned to his audience.