126 and take on a new protege. Life for them is a con- stant round of changing companions, accomplished only because of their positions. The same system of using their influence and their popularity to make sexual contacts holds true of any number of deviate male stars who enjoy nothing more than assignment away from Hollywood. Once they slip out of town they can get away with things that wouldn’t have been possible under the scrutiny of Hollywood’s alert gossip press. They tempt country boys in small towns with the same promises of fame and glory. Abroad they seduce everything in sight, flashing broad grins and using the word Hollywood whenever their meagre knowledge of foreign languages stumps them. Television, a younger business than the movies ‘and the theatre, has a number of homosexual execu- tives in key positions. The old dodge of influence is - widely utilized to obtain positions for their consorts, which accounts for the huge number of effeminate men that people the broadcasting studios. Agitation by certain groups over the large number of homosexuals in show business has invariably ended in a fizzle. Few people care. Others take the situation for granted. Few believe that it will ever change. '