123 that queens cant be tough. But he’s got to have respect. Tough male stars can make mince meat out of gay company managers. They’re cattier than all the queens put together. They’ll titter backstage about the fellow to the pomt that he gets to be a laughing stock. A show can’t afford that. “But I'd be a damned fool not to look for gay dancers. They’re graceful, and they’re in the major- ity. If I put a couple of normal boys in the line the swishes would tear them to pieces in no time. You have enough trouble with chorus boys without bait- ing them with the challenge of makmg it with a couple of straights. “There you have it. Queens fit certain jobs. That’s why we hire them. When they won’t do their work well, out they go on their cans. “Now, how about that legend of the director’s boy friend? It could just as well be his girl friend. So he comes to me. He knows I understand the score. He tells me that he’s got a little twit he’s interested in. I know better than ask if it’s the same one he had last season. He’s probably changed twice since then. “Anyhow he wants the little fag to have that third act walk-on, the young Englishman in the bowler hat who tips his hat to the leading lady and walks off. Maybe I'd prefer to give it to my own son so