122 met, the producer would quickly discover the truth, I answered, “Yes, he is.” “Good, I'll see him.” He made an appointment on the spot. Homosexuals have always found a haven in show business, but the reasons have never been quite clear. The common misconception is that anyone homosexual sleeps his way to stardom or even into a small job. This may be true in a number of cases, but it applies equally in other lines of endeavor. I asked the same producer why he preferred to hire homosexuals. “I don’t prefer to hire any par- ticular group,” he answered evenly. “I'm against favoritism, racism, discrimination of any kind. I prefer to be guided by my experience. “A homosexual press agent or company manager would mean trouble. “A queer press agent wouldn’t get along with the newspapermen whose friendship he needs. They’re a pretty crusty bunch, especially those on the drama pages. If they’re queer themselves ‘they’ll resent the p.a. because he can get his itchy fingers into the drawers of the chorus boys by promising them pub- licity. If the newsmen aren’t gay, they’ll dislike him for lack of anything more important to do. “A company manager often has to be tough. Not