afraid to love, afraid of being hurt. “So I played it cool—and there it is. “That’s the personal part of the story. Now to dig into what you’re looking for. How does the Negro get along with white homosexuals?” I interrupted, “Not quite, Franklyn. My chapter title is, ““ The Negro in Homosexual Society.” “You’ve picked it right. There is no Negro and white homosexual society—except for the Negroes who never step out of Harlem. That’s their fault. “They’re welcome downtown any time they want to come, at the bars, at parties, at dances. Negroes are popular and well liked. They don’t have to stay in their places. That’s an old wheeze. They have to behave themselves—and just a little bit better than the white boys to keep their respect. “Face it, it’s not just a metter of tolerance and equal rights. Old Demon sex has a lot to do with it. The Negro is attractive to homosexuals because ~ they’ve got a reputation for being great lovers. Their passion’s supposed to be primitive. And they’re also owners of the kind of equipment that goes with primitive passions. “The queens who tell you they don’t give a damn about a man’s masculinity are lying. So when they pick up a white boy they’re never sure until they get