117 “I went to gay parties. I’'m a good dancer, so I had my pick of partners. Just as I had my pick of bed partners. : “I got to know about the theatre, ballet, opera. I started reading more books. With gay people I got the college education—at least in culture—that I couldn’t afford. Lenny and I stayed friends and for a couple of years I worked in the designing room of his jewelry business. Good pay—and a job you can always find work in. “Then a queen offered me the business I’ve got today, a dry cleaning shop. He was sick, had to move west. At first he paid me to run the business. Then he leased it to me with an option to buy. In a few years I bought him out. Now I’ve got three shops, annuities to guarantee my old age. I travel to Europe every couple of years. “As for sex, I'm no chicken but I'm still going strong. I can put a man’s shoes under my bed any time I want. So what do I think of gay life? It’s great. It’s given more to me than I'd ever have had otherwise. Maybe I'm cold and selfish. Except for Lenny I've never come close to anyone. I’ve never loved. That’s missing. “When I’m being nice to me, I think it’s because I was a Negro in a white man’s world, that I was