14 “I wasn’t there very long when a young fellow, just a couple of years older than me, a little loaded came over and said, ‘Wanna come home with me.’ He had a wonderful smile, was fantastic looking, and I thought to myself, “‘Why not?’ “His name was Lennie and he worked in his father’s jewelry business. He’d just left his home in the Bronx to settle down in a one-room apartment in Manhattan on the East Side. “When we got there, we headed for the sack after no more preliminaries than a fast drink. We be- haved like a couple of minx. That man was one helluva lover. We not only went all the way but sideways, upside down ways and in-between ways. “We rolled around that bed until the sheets were tied in knots. And still didn’t have enough. He had a wonderful physique and all the things that went with it. He couldnt keep his hands off my skin which he called ‘black marble.’ I loved running my hands through all that mass of dark, wavy hair and, for the first time, wished mine weren’t so kinky. “If ever two sexpots had a pick-up that worked, this was it. I put his tongue in my mouth and held it there until he cried in pain. Then he’d do the - same to me. He stroked my body as though he had never felt cool dark flesh before. That pale white