105 “I decided to see for myself. So I gave the floor to one of my instructors and spent the next days being my own security guard. “My cop pal was right. It would turn your stom- ach. I went into the shower after I saw two of my ‘beauties’ wandering in. We had six stalls—five were empty. There they were soaping each other’s back, and I could tell from looking at their middles that something else had been going on before they heard me coming. They had their backs turned when I came in, but jumped when I called their names. So I knew my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me. “Off the locker room, I had a little place fixed up with a cot. The emergency room I used to call it. A place where, in the old days, the older men could lie down if they started to wheeze. “I walked in there and found the door locked. Hell, it hadn’t been locked in 30 years. I pounded on the door. Out came one of the beauties and an older man—stark naked. They were blushing down to their navels. I tossed both of them out right on their ears. ' “I thought of closing the little room, keeping it permanently locked. Then I decided to use it as a trap. I caught six couples committing homosexual acts in the next few weeks. When that many got