101 able of completing the physical union of marriage. Wives point out that it is unlikely that men, in top physical shape and supposedly deprived of sex for long periods while on the road, are really that im- potent. Many have boldly suspected their husband’s best pal as being responsible. Medical authorities are inclined to agree. One told me, “‘Living as they do in a man’s world, athletes look for substitutes for women. These male friend- ships frequently lead to experimentation. Homo- sexual incidents, begun in the name of just ‘playing around’ often end up more seriously than either male anticipated.” Like female impersonation, muscle building was once an honorable pursuit. It produced numerous men of enormous strength who performed thrilling exhibitions on the stage and in the circus. For ordi- nary males it was a healthy and body-toning exercise. » Today, muscle building is anathema to many who might otherwise practice it. The activity has been taken over throughout the United States; for that matter, across the globe, by men, young and old, who are out and out homosexuals. : Santa Monica’s famed Muscle Beach was raided last year after complaints of homosexual conduct