100 ticipate in sports involving bodily contact like box- ing, wrestling and football. Wrestling, they point out, is particularly obvious in its close proximity of male body to male body— and for protracted periods of time. They believe that wrestlers derive erotic pleasure from the holds they make on whole flesh and thus gratify either conscious or unconscious homosexual leanings. ‘ Wrestlers have admitted that in the ring, physical contact stimulates them physically, often to high pitches of excitement. When they notice the same thing happening to their opponent they are pleased by the discovery. Frequently two fierce looking men who have slaughtered each other in the ring will end up tenderly sharing the same bed. Homosexual scandals involving football players have seldom hit the newspapers, but psychiatrist’s files are filled with the trials and tribulations of foot- ball wives. - They complain they are totally left out of what is a man’s world from morning until night. The men prepare for the game in the morning, weat together, shower together, travel together and share rooms. ~When they do see their wives they are in such a state of physical exhaustion they are totally incap-.