95 This ultimately leads them to seek psychiatric and medical help. The publicizing of several sex change operations in the last decade has falsely led them to " believe that only by this means can they achieve some degree of normal expression. By becoming women they might enjoy the passions with men that they crave. Many men seeking sex changes have gone to Mexico where medical laws against them are not as stringent in the United States. Denmark, where the Christine Jorgensen operation took place, is now wary of performing the operation indiscriminately because of the huge amount of publicity, most of it adverse, the Jorgensen case received. . Calornia doctors, however, have been called upon | to repair the botched up work of the Mexican k4 quacks. Consequently, many more sex change B operations have taken place than is generally believed. Sex change, as a description of what happens, is a Mmisnomer. Mutilation is more exact. The person @submitting to a sex change becomes nothing more than a eunuch on whose body the outward appear- ance of a woman’s organs are simulated by plastic surgery. Female hormones produce enlargement of the breasts. But the operation goes no further. It can not -