b L dress as men but who are otherwise normal. If they [§ find mates who share the phobia, they marry and [§8 think nothing of changing into clothes of theopposite § sex when they arrive home after work. Women have been more successful at perpetrating lifetime masquerades as men than the other way way around. But a number of transvestites have succeeded even to the point of holding lifetime jobs in offices where they have appeared to be women. ' Like transvestites, males who have submitted to sex changes are outraged at the suggestion that their basic instincts are homosexual. Psychiatrists dis- [ count this notion, insisting that their motives spring {&8 from a dislike of the sex act itself. Yet all their in-[§ stincts are homosexual. Also at the root of their problem is the fact that § the sex organs of many men seeking sex changes are infantile. That is, they have not grown in size since babyhood, making sex relations of any sort impos- sible. Especially in the homosexual world where great emphasis is placed on anatomical dimensions., They seek to compensate for this physical defect by visualizing themselves as women. They begin to detest the male organ that has deprived them of the opportunity for sexual gratification enjoyed by better endowed males, both heterosexual and homosexual.