93 Confirmed transvestites have to resist the impulse to appear in public. Sometimes, this is impossible. It becomes so strong that they often appear in their feminine frills in broad daylight when exposure is more probable. Police are inclined to be lenient with the transves- tite if he is discovered. Charges will be reduced to a minimum if the arrest has been made on the mere grounds of wearing feminine clothing. Transvestites rarely solicit. «Many older transvestites are known to the police. They’ve been seen around town for years and have come to be known as harmless eccentrics. They are ? sent home and told to keep to themselves when they | feel the urge to dress up as women. A surprising number of transvestites are married. Many are fathers of grown children. More surprising is the fact that when wives dis- cover the tendency of their husbands to wear women’s clothes they may be shocked but they | tolerate it. There are cases on record of couples who ‘have lived in perfect harmony for many years al- though, at least two or three times a week, the man of the household has insisted in spending the evening dressed in feminine finery. There are also instances of women who want to