92 They see their women friends frequently and are as eager as the next man to top off an evening on ~ the town with normal sexual intercourse. But on the nights when they stay home they return from their offices and immediately change into women’s clothes. Generally they have secret closets stocked with stunning feminine wearing apparel, complete in all the details, lovely silk stockings, panties, bra, slips, lingerie, high heeled shoes. They spend hours assembling their wardrobe. Long sessions are spent before make-up mirrors to create the illusion of women. For the rest of the _evening, they simply sit around watching TV, read- ing, spending a tired business man’s evening in his own domain. The only difference is thelr apparel. And their frequent trips to the full length mirror, standard equipment in the homes of transvestites, to see that their feminine charms are intact. If they are fortunate they may know other males with the same complex. Often parties are arranged or one or two will come to dinner, changing, much as they do at drag parties, at the host’s home and changing again, before leaving. ' | There is no sexual activity. That is not part of the ¥ abnormality.