88 homes. They arrive with their suitcases, dress at the party, change before leaving. And that is that. It is masquerade. Nothing more serious. The queens who practice it as intelligent enough to realize it. But there is another form of drag queen who can- not resist the temptation to dress up as a woman, go out into the streets and solicit men by pretending to be prostitutes. There is no doubt it is a reflection of a sexual “aberration, and police report that it is on the in- crease. The increase in arrests both for impersonat- ing a woman and soliciting has become a worrisome statistic. How does it work? With surprising ease. Homosexuals who dress up as women with sexual experience as their goal do not hang around gay bars or places where they might meet their own kind. They are not interested in affairs with other homosexuals. They are looking for normal men. Oddly, a normal man is an easy victim of their wiles. Having experienced little exposure to the homosexual world and probably none to a drag queen, he is enchanted at the idea of meeting such an easy pick-up. The queen practicing this particular brand of per-