87 by a minority of homosexuals. It may appear to be a fetish indulged in only by the ultre-feminine, swishy types. This is far from fact. The thrill of wearing feminine frills and finery affects every strata of the homosexual society. There is on record the case of a burly boxing trainer, highly respected in his work who, for years, has followed an unvarying pattern. He works six months a year in New York’s gyms, is a master at guiding road work, so he spends an equal amount of time in the country. Whatever his schedule, he insists on having his vacation during the Mardi Gras at New Orleans. What his employers do not know is that at night he is an expert seamstress. For an entire year he works at creating a succession of gowns, each more dazzling than the other. He packs them a week in advance and ships them to New Orleans to a hotel where they are ready for his arrival. For a week he indulges his passion and, according to his own account, has the time of his life. When Mardi Gras is over, he packs up his drag, returns to New York, begins his work with his characteristic diligence. As for the rest of the drag queens they content themselves with Saturday night parties at various