85 arrested on morals charges, could risk that sort of procedure. They bundled themselves off to any of the cities where drag was still wide open, Chicago, San Francisco, New Orleans and, for a time, New York. Today, there are not a half dozen good drag shows in the country, and homosexuals have them- selves to blame. But outlawing the performances has not dimmed the enthusiasm of deviates to dress up in women’s clothes. I am speaking only of homo- sexuals as distinguished from transvestites. They will be dealt with in another section. Even before female impersonation dlsmtegrated most states and local communities carried statutes forbidding men to dress up as women in public. In most large cities the law is relaxed on Hallo- ween which, traditionally, is a day for masquerade. At the most respectable of parties, it is not uncom- mon for men to dress up as women. These affairs, however, are a far cry from the drag parties held in huge dance halls in the big cities. Tickets are expensive in view of value re- ceived. Five to ten dollars is the usual bite just to enter the drab establishments, cheaply decorated with bunting, balloons and streamers. Whisky sells ~at $20 a bottle and single drinks cost $1.50 and upward. :