79 nelliest fag in the school, a little sissy? I wouldn’t have laid my hands on him. But one day he sashays into a ‘gay bar’ takes one look at me, comes up and smirks and says, ‘Well, isn’t this interesting ?’ - “Queens are supposed to realize that the first rule of the game is to realize that when you meet an acquaintance in such a place that he’s probably there for the same reason. “That’s the rule and while it was probably true, little snot nose blows up a storm. He tells the top boys and I’m out. I could have lied, but I knew I'd never stand up under an investigation. “I knew I could never work in a school again, so I jumped at the chance a pal gave me to go on the road selling. I would have done it years ago if I'd only known. “What a helluva world for a guy who likes his tail the wrong way! My truck driver’s list is twice as long as it used to be. As for those young husbands, they’re dolls. Sweet little things whé got married too soon. Haven't the slightest idea what life is all about until it’s too late. “They hate going home. They know they’re ex- pected to screw their wives. Probably they had the hots for some fellow when they were in the army,