78 “Maybe by not trying I was successful. I went to “gay bars,” used phony'names and picked as many as a dozen guys a week. I didn’t care where I had them—their places, mine, in the cans, up dark alleys. As long as I got my piece. “I never monkeyed around the students though. Not that they didn’t interest me. I'd stand in that classroom looking down at their hot crotches and wondered what they had inside. What they’d do if I got them into my room, stripped them and went at it. Some of them were damned good looking, mature too. If you know what I mean. “But I had enough going for me so that leaving them alone wasn’t tough. I had a car. I'd drive to nearby towns. I knew the parks, the bars, the bus stations. I had an address book a mile long, packed with tricks from ‘drag queens’ to rough trade, old ~aunties, little nellie queens that stayed home with mother. Plus a private list of truck drivers with their routes and what signals to give when I wanted to flag them down. They’d stop the trucks. We’d jump in the back, and I'd give them what they wanted. They take it anally—something to do with their occupation. “Man, they loved it. Life was too good and too easy. Wouldn’t you know that I'd get caught by the