77 “For Pete’s sake, dont mention the name of the town, will you?” I promised him I wouldn’t and went back to the hotel to see what was going on there. It was quiet. So I went to my room and extracted the notes that had tipped me off to this new phase of homosexual activity. The information had come from Tom R., a lean, tall man in his late thirties. The ravages of heavy drinking were beginning to show in his eyes. He was quite drunk but still coherent when I met him. When he got around to the inevitable question, “What do you do?” I told him that I was a newspaperman. He asked what I was working on. Having nothing to lose I replied, “A book on homosexuality.” “Brother, have I got a story for you? Let’s sit down.” We found a table and Tom spouted. He couldn’t recall never having had homosexual ideas. In his own words, “I was wild and passionate about it. I could never get enough sex. When I started I went at it as though there were no tomorrow, making conquests as fast as I could. I did everything and did everybody. Don’t ask me how, but I got to be a school teacher. I never tried to keep my private life a secret.