74 ! s ties. It meant that a somebody was willing to pay $10 for the right kind of trick. ‘ Frank’s record of sexual activity was prodigious. He admitted having had affairs with about 500 men since he started. In one day, he counted six assig- nations. Asked if he ever reciprocated the kind of perver- sion performed on him, the young man answered, “Only if there’s enough dough in it.”” He considered $50 an appropriate fee. When things got dull around town, Frank learned to put his own ads in the paper, using an older man’s phone number. For the privilege he allowed him certain intimacies. The ads changed form from time to time, but generally they stuck to the same formula: YOUNG MAN, WILLING TO WORK. WILL DO ANY- THING. Frank admitted the phone rang steadily from morning to night in response, that he was free to pick and choose. “I always took the guy who offered the most. I made sure he lived close by, so if the deal turned out to be a bust, I could get back to the phone.” - One of Frank’s best customers, a regular, evidently a voyeur type, would pay him and a companion