72 on the level. Can you call me backtomorrow around noon?’ Frank’s faced lighted up, ‘Sure, mister, any- thing you say. Right on the dot.’ “He started down the driveway. As he got to the gate, I called out, ‘By the way, Frank, I didn’t get your last name.’ ‘Jackson,’ he yelled back, plainly caught unaware. He turned on his heels. A scowl crossed his face. I put on my best smile and said, “Okeh, Frank, see you tomorrow.” That seemed to reassure him. “As soon as he was out of sight I headed for the telephone book and found the name I wanted, Mrs. Carl Jackson. I hadn’t counted on that. I thought at least I'd be able to talk to a man. Instead I was convinced I was going to have to go into this dis- gusting business with an hysterical widow. “I contrived some excuse to get Mrs. Jackson to _visit me at my office. True, she was a widow. But far from hysterical. For months she had suspected something was wrong with her son. She knew he wasn’t earning all the spending money he had at the odd jobs he'd claimed he was doing. She even checked a few out and confronted him. The answers were evasive. “She was horrified at my suggestion that he was part of a ring of male prostitutes, but since my facts