71 to find out what it was. ‘The job pays a dollar an hour,” I said. ‘I’m alone here for the summer. All it means is about four hours a day helping my sister with the hard chores, taking care of the lawn, things like that.”” ‘ ““You’re kidding, dad,” Frank answered. ‘You mean to say you got me all the way out here for a lousy dollar an hour. You’re nuts—real gone, dad.’ “*Well, what do you think I should pay for that kind of work?’ “ “To tell you the truth, I didn’t think you was serious. I figured you wanted something else besides a fellow to mow the lawn. You know what I mean, don’t you?” He smiled a broad smile, winked and looked down at the bulge in his pants. I got the message. 4 “There had been rumors in the city room about the vice ring that entrapped youths and taught them the tricks of peddling their asses to perverts, but no one had pinned them down. Here I was with a hus- tler right in my front yard. “I gave the lad a warm smile and tried to write some dialogue to fit the situation. ‘You’re right,” I said, ‘I was interested in what you’re talking about. But you got here a little late. My sister will be home soon. Now here’s a ten spot, just to show you I'm / /