69 younger generation and of parents who fail to pro- vide them with the guidance they need. It is the fault [ of broken homes, parents preoccupied with their own lives and with social agencies who fail to recog- nize how susceptible young people can be. Today’s is a cash world. With plenty of money rolling around, everyone wants his share. Young people are no exception. They see their young pals driving sleek new cars. They turn up their noses at the jalopies their fathers drove. The homosexual underground reaches these young people with comparative ease. There are always vultures, male madams if you like, who’ll show them how to lay their hands on easy money. My investigation of male prostitution took me to a prosperous city in the South where a scandal had erupted last year. It involved the organization of young males serving as prostitutes by a gang of men with criminal records. It had been uncovered by a newspaperman, quite by accident. We had been colleagues many years before, and he felt no qualms about giving me the background details that led to the gang’s exposure. “I thought I knew the score about everything until this story closed in on me. I've known homo- sexuals in every line of work and found it easier to