66 £ more curious than the type referred to by the vice squad officer, the man with an urge to display and exhibit himself in public. A type obsessed with the danger and the drama of committing sexual acts in places where he runs the risk of exposure. They account for more than half the arrests recorded annually for “offending public decency.” Many of them have never been arrested previously. A number can count not more than a handful of homosexual experiences in their whole lives, all of the same nature. The majority are married men who, for years, have led seemingly respectable lives, keeping their affliction secret from families and business associates. Not too long ago a prominent Washington offi- cial made headlines when he was discovered com- mitting a perversion in the lavatory of a male hotel. The scandal affected highly placed government offi- cials, causing tragic embarrassment to them and to - the unfortunate families. Homosexuals have their own jargon to describe such individuals. They call them “closet queens.” The implication is clear. It derives from the Eng- lish word for lavatory, water closet. It also implies that the homosexual has not admitted his failing even to himself, that he succumbs to his true urges