65 representing the very best in their profession, have been found soliciting openly at just such places. Not many years ago a mid-western city was rocked to its foundations when following a police raid on a city park some of its most important citizens were involved in homosexual incidents. “There are no answers to the problem,” a vice squad officer told me wearily. “*Not until thé whole attitude toward homosexuality is revamped. Not only must normal people revise their concepts. Homosexuals have to take a straight, clear look at themselves. / “I’ve heard superior queens unmercifully condemn some poor miserable, effeminate fag for getting into trouble in a rest room. The next day I've found the high and mighty eritic there himself. “I find homosexuals are too willing to find faults with others, heterosexuals as well as their own kind, without seeing the defects in their own characters. “The effeminate queen may offend me personally, but as long as he doesn’t break the law I have more respect for him than better-than-thou college pro- fessors and business men who actually limit their “ sexual activity to making contacts and accomplish- ing sex in public places.” The homosexual wears many faces, but none is