63 called a gang-bang. All the perversions can be in- dulged in at once. Partners are swapped, new posi- tions are assumed. The act is rapidly consummated in the excitement of group sex. Several times a day the steam rooms of such establishments witness similar bang bangs. In some baths sexual activity is confined excluswely to the- steam room. Probably the best known place for homosexual contact is the “gay bar.” These range from the posh establishments frequented by the cuff link set to the leather jacket establishments where homosexuals with a tommon interest in masochism and sadism hang out. The most common, of course, is the ordinary “gay bar’ situated in out of the way business and factory districts which shutter at five o’clock. They are all but deserted except for the flickering lights showing a bar—often without a name. The grape- vine again spreads the news. A “gay bar” can open to 50 people and cater to 500 the next night, all thanks to busy telephones and the readiness with which homosexuals spread the word. The conduct of a “gay bar” depends largely on the management. Some may hold their clients in