62 they attract attention. The cigarette device, a com- ment about the dog—little more is needed to effect communication. And an arrangement—if one seems ‘desirable. At least, sidewalk soliciting does not follow with a public display like those carried on in lavatories and parks. Probably the easiest point for quick homosexual contact is that to be found in certain turkish baths. They cater exclusively to homosexuals and flour- ish in all the major cities: Their names are known to the homosexual underground. They are filled from morning until night, packed with men of all ages and sizes, garbed in flimsy cotton robes who patrol the halls endlessly. Doors of those interested in a visitor are left ajar. This is the invitation to enter. When a partner ap- pears he looks over the occupant slowly and deliberately, waiting for a response. Unless he’s told something, like ‘No, thanks’ or "I’'m tired,” he pro- ceeds inside and deftly accomplishes a manual inspection. If the prospect pleases him—and vice versa—a sexual experience is embarked upon. Sometimes these small rooms, cubby holes really, entertain as many as a dozen homosexuals engaging in what’s